And then it was done. The end of a production always produces mixed feelings. On the one hand there is relief that it is over, that one doesn’t have to worry about forgetting lines or otherwise messing up on stage. On the other there is a sadness at what has been lost, the camaraderie and sense of being part of a team.
Of course, these feelings pass and real life resumes but this does not make them any less poignant at the time. It is difficult to be entirely objective about a production when one has taken part in it but I don’t think it is stretching things too far to say that And Then There Were None is one of the best things LGDC has done. The set was magnificent and the acting, fortified by several newcomers, did everyone credit.
I wrote a line once in a play to the effect that unlike the majority of professional actors, amateurs get the opportunity to bugger up some really big parts. I think we did rather better than that but I know that it is not for us to say.
We hit a new record for box office sales with three sell-outs in four nights. The number of tickets sold surpassed our previous records established for our 2007 production of When We Are Married and for Beyond Reasonable Doubt in 2014. The decision to start rehearsals later than usual was vindicated although it did mean that the last month was pretty hectic for everyone involved in the production with three rehearsals each week, including long sessions on Sundays.
While the actors take the applause and most of the plaudits, it is very important to recognize the substantial contribution made by the production team, not least that of the play’s director Julie McCarthy. Directing a play can be a lonely business, particularly on the performance nights when a director is powerless to intervene, but the burden is eased considerably by having a supportive team. This was definitely the case with And Then There Were None.
Here’s to the next time. Oh, I nearly forgot – “breakfast is ready!”
Patrick Isherwood (aka Rogers the housekeeper)